Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What an Attention Seeker

I was about to make a really silly post of photos from my phone because I couldn't think of anything I could clearly write about, but then I realized that this is my blog and it doesn't have to be perfect, it is a mess. But it is a blog, and I will feel more accomplished if I write something so I am going to talk about how vain I am.

Although I think that being vain is bad, that is not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the instances where attention seeking is valid and important.

If you ask me, I will tell you I am a terrible writer and a terrible photographer. So why do I take the time to post my poetry and photography to Tumblr? And even more so, why do I reblog them from myself and check constantly to see if they have gotten any notes?

Do you think i'm vain? Do you think you are vain?

Here is the thing. It is normal to want attention, it is normal to seek recognition, and it is normal to be disappointed when you don't get these things. Repeat this to yourself, write it on a sticky note and remind yourself of it everyday. I am tired of the world telling people that it is bad to ask for attention, attention is important and everybody deserves it.

Something so silly that goes along with this is selfie shaming, yest there is a point were someone can be too vain and self obsessed, but making people(usually girls) feel bad about posting two selfies in a row has got to stop! I hate how I look, I really do, I know I shouldn't say it, but it is the truth. That being said, a good chunk of my instagram is selfies. This doesn't mean I am self obsessed(trust me I am not), but seeing a picture of my dumb face get 15 likes makes me feel good.

Basically what I am trying to get across here is that sharing stuff you worked hard on or just kind of like and wanting it to get noticed does not make you a bad vain person, it makes you human. I am writing this blog in the hopes that someone will take interest in it, its natural and I am tired of being afraid to admit that I need attention sometimes.

So post your selfies, art and whatever you want because you deserve to be noticed and I hope that you will be!

This post was written at 2:03 AM, so I apologize if it is a rambled mess, but I had to share these thoughts. I honestly think I have more things to say about it, but right now I can't think straight. So please let me know if you have any thoughts on this subject, I would love to hear any feedback!

For now, thefloralwitch

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