Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What a New Year

Something about me that you will probably learn from this blog is that I absolutely LOVE quotes. I am a sarcastic b**** most of the time, but if you actually get to know me you will know I am quite an emotional person who has a crippling weakness for inspiring quotes. Not all of them though, I refuse to admit that I like silly quotes like "all you need is love" and such, but I like more than I would care to admit.

Anyway, I eventually would like to make a spot on my blog for the quote of the day or week or something, but at this point I don't really know how.

Since it is New Years eve, I figured I should make some post about resolutions or something, but since it is almost time for my plans of the night, I don't really have time to write some motivational list of what I plan to improve about myself next year. This is where the cheesy quotes come in, I have a folder of pictures of quotes and such that I have saved from Tumblr on my computer and I thought it would be a good way to end the year by sharing some of my favorites.

I'm sorry if the layout isn't great, but, like I said, I really don't know how to work this yet.
Also I don't own any of these photos, they are all saved from Tumblr.

I hope you enjoyed these and I hope you have an amazing New Years celebration and an even better year! 

I know that holidays like this can be hard for people for a variety of reasons, for me it is my anxiety/depression/family issues that make celebrating hard, but I hope that you all know that you are loved and there are people that care about you! You deserve to have a good time, so let any pain you are holding onto go, and enjoy yourself!

with love, thefloralwitch

What a Username

It is the second day in and I feel like I need to briefly explain my username because it is kind of strange. My username, thefloralwitch, means nothing really in particular. It has nothing to do with my name or who I am really, but it is my most recent tumblr URL and I love it. I sometimes joke that I am a witch(cause it is cool and also I am evil) and I love almost everything floral print, so that is how the name came to be and I have no idea how long it will stay.

Anyways, I hope you had an amazing day or you are about to have an amazing day, depending on where you are from.

Much love, the(now explained)floralwitch

What a Confession

This blog is so silly, so unimportant, so boring and badly organized, but it is me and it means a lot to me. I don't plan to get a million followers or even a hundred, I know it is definitely not at that level, but I just want someone to care about it.

I just want this blog to mean something to someone.

I want someone to read this stupid blog and feel less alone. My ultimate goal it to help someone in any way possible, whether it becomes a safe place for someone to come, a silly thing to laugh at or a place for advice. It seems so silly that my dumb words would help someone, but I think it would be the coolest thing in the world. So if you read this, I know it is nothing special, but please stay. Who knows? I might actually get good at it someday. haha.

Yesterday was the beginning of this blog and I have already spent a lot of my time trying to promote it, checking for views and just thinking about it in general. So far I only have 12 views and it disappoints me every time I come back to no change. This is a very bad attitude for me to have about it because even the most popular blogs started out like this, but I guess I am just kind of vain and I would love to see positive results from something I have created.

For now, thefloralwitch

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

What a Concentration

My senior year of high school(last year) I was in AP art which is an art class where you submit a portfolio with 24 artworks to be reviewed and graded like an AP test. If you score a 4 or a 5 on the test you are awarded with college credit. 12 of the photos are to based on a central idea or theme, this is your concentration, the other 12 are the breadth section, which is artworks that represent your skills and demonstrate good examples of the elements and principles of design. You are able to choose between a 3D, 2D or drawing portfolio, mine was a 2D portfolio that was completely photography.

In this post I am going to post my artist statement along with my concentration photos. I will upload my breadth in a separate post so that there are not too many photos for one post.

The central idea of my concentration is about judgement and what doesn't define a person. I used floral print to draw attention to the things people are judged or confined by.
When I first decided to use the floral print as a main aspect of my concentration my idea was to have it represent things that people see negatively, like my piece where the floral print is on a bottle of alcohol. When I looked at the finished picture I thought about why people see alcohol negatively and I realized it was about addiction, people don’t judge alcohol, they judge the people who drink it. This made me realize that I wanted my concentration to be more personal and have more meaning than just negative things. That is when I decided to change my concentration to the things that don’t define a person. I wanted my photos to help remind people that humans aren't perfect and you shouldn't judge someone because of that. A quote that helped inspire this is, “I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions.” by Augusten Burroughs. This just shows that people aren't their mistakes or shortcomings in the past, they are much more than what anyone can see, “they are not where they are from, they are where they are going”.
You are not how much you drink

You are not what you eat

You are not your gender/sexual orientation

You are not the people you have lost

You are not your weight

You are not your education

You are not your makeup

You are not your medication

You are not your mistakes

You are not your race

You are not your reflection

You are not your religion

This was my concentration in no particular order. I hope you enjoyed looking at some of my art, I will post my breadth soon!

For now, thefloralwitch

What an Attention Seeker

I was about to make a really silly post of photos from my phone because I couldn't think of anything I could clearly write about, but then I realized that this is my blog and it doesn't have to be perfect, it is a mess. But it is a blog, and I will feel more accomplished if I write something so I am going to talk about how vain I am.

Although I think that being vain is bad, that is not what I want to talk about. I want to talk about the instances where attention seeking is valid and important.

If you ask me, I will tell you I am a terrible writer and a terrible photographer. So why do I take the time to post my poetry and photography to Tumblr? And even more so, why do I reblog them from myself and check constantly to see if they have gotten any notes?

Do you think i'm vain? Do you think you are vain?

Here is the thing. It is normal to want attention, it is normal to seek recognition, and it is normal to be disappointed when you don't get these things. Repeat this to yourself, write it on a sticky note and remind yourself of it everyday. I am tired of the world telling people that it is bad to ask for attention, attention is important and everybody deserves it.

Something so silly that goes along with this is selfie shaming, yest there is a point were someone can be too vain and self obsessed, but making people(usually girls) feel bad about posting two selfies in a row has got to stop! I hate how I look, I really do, I know I shouldn't say it, but it is the truth. That being said, a good chunk of my instagram is selfies. This doesn't mean I am self obsessed(trust me I am not), but seeing a picture of my dumb face get 15 likes makes me feel good.

Basically what I am trying to get across here is that sharing stuff you worked hard on or just kind of like and wanting it to get noticed does not make you a bad vain person, it makes you human. I am writing this blog in the hopes that someone will take interest in it, its natural and I am tired of being afraid to admit that I need attention sometimes.

So post your selfies, art and whatever you want because you deserve to be noticed and I hope that you will be!

This post was written at 2:03 AM, so I apologize if it is a rambled mess, but I had to share these thoughts. I honestly think I have more things to say about it, but right now I can't think straight. So please let me know if you have any thoughts on this subject, I would love to hear any feedback!

For now, thefloralwitch

What a Silly Way Out of my Second Post

I just want to get a few blog posts up before I head off to bed so I can feel accomplished I guess? This is a poem I wrote and earlier shared on Tumblr, so yes, I am just taking something I already wrote and am using it for a whole blog post. But what more can you ask for? I'm a mess and I admit it, so here is some mediocre poetry by yours truly. Secretly, I want this to get a lot of notes on Tumblr even though I know it is nothing special. It isn't even really a secret, there is a part of all of us that longs for attention and I honestly don't think that there is anything wrong with that. Anyways, I could probably say a lot about being an attention seeking painfully average person so I might as well save it for another post.

I think I will be posting more poetry because I think it would give me a reason to write more and it is probably more readable because it is not crazy rambling like my blog posts seem to be thus far.

For now, thefloralwitch

What a Beginning

Here we go I guess.

As my very first post to this silly blog, I should probably say something important, but to be honest, I would just like to get this over with. So I am going to talk a little about me. The blog name, thefloralwitch, coincides with my tumblr, for now. If you want to see more about me I suggest you go there to see what I think, written in other people's words. There is some quite personal stuff about me that I wrote on there, but it is a tragic mess. This probably will be no different.     I'm terribly sorry.

Anyways, I'm an 18 year old without a cause, I'm in my first year of university and I plan on majoring in Graphic Design with a minor in Photography. My absolute passion is in photography, but there are two reasons that isn't my endgame. 1. My college does not offer it as a major 2. I am painfully average at the art. My next post will likely go more into the act of being painfully average, because honestly, I am painfully successful at it.

There are two things I am painfully successful at;
1. Being painfully average
2. Being painfully overweight

I don't want to get too down in the first blog, but I am also a painfully blunt person. Because I am this way, I feel as if it is only fair to both of us for me to mention these few downers that I will probably post about.

1. I'm overweight(like a lot)
2. I have depression
3. I have anxiety
4. I have family issues
5. I have a few secrets from people I really care about

There are more terrible things about me, but I just decided that I would like to have an equal list of good things, so I would like to keep it short. I am going to try very hard to make this blog a very personal space, used for venting, but also used for documenting good things. So here are some good things about me/my life.

1. I have the cutest dog in the world and his name is Toby
2. I have a really cute car and a fairly nice camera for me being broke(wanted to put the material things together)
3. I love to help people and I also love to laugh/make people laugh
4. There are a few amazing people in my life
5. I'm not as bad as I used to be

So that is enough for this post I suppose. If I tell you everything that this will be about, you probably won't want to read it. With that said, I would just like to sum this up by saying that the internet, at times, has made me feel as if I am not alone. This is important. You are important. I want this silly mess of a blog to remind you that you are not alone. Not only do I want this to be a place where I can go to for comfort, but I want this to be a place where you can come for advice or humor or maybe just to see that someone else really doesn't have it together and you do not have to be anything near perfect.

If you read this you are a sweet cactus and I love you. Maybe stick around to see what happens?

For now, thefloralwitch